Dear consumer, by order of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, this establishment has at your disposal through the email the mechanisms, if you need to submit a PQR, complete your request through the " email " where you will find an advisor who will receive your PQR and send you the form duly completed and signed by the person in charge: Nathaly Velez - , it is necessary that the facts that cause the complaint be recorded, clearly specifying the date and time of the events and, to the extent possible, the people who directly knew of the claim so that you keep a copy signed by the official in charge of the website for receiving the PQR.
)formy( has the mechanisms to handle the request from the buyer, but before making any claim, the buyer must keep in mind the terms and conditions previously established and that the buyer accepted before making the purchase, said terms and conditions can be found by clicking here , they are endorsed by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce and are established to defend your rights as a consumer. -In the event that he does not have access to the mechanisms and data of the form or there is no person responsible for receiving the complaint or claim, contact the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce at the following telephone numbers: National Toll Free Line 018000 910 165 and in Bogotá 423 2940, at the email address: or on the website